



You can add up to 50 phone numbers connected to the locket, whatsapp contacts, facebook messenger or TikTok.If youre busy or just distracted and cant answer the phone when your little friend is found, dont worry. Because youve added multiple contact numbers to the locket, the finder can call them all and the little one gets home safely. Medical data and dietary requirements of the petWhat do you do if the penny has to spend time with the finder? Is it safe? Will he receive the same conditions as at home?No problem. Because you have the option to add medical data, allergies and dietary requirements, he will be able to be treated as you wish.Profile that can be updatedWhat do you do if you change your phone number, or if you go on vacation? Do you personalize another locket and put it around your little ones neck? TinyPet has solved this problem for you. With just 3 clicks you have updated all your contact data, save time, money and enjoy the absence of bad thoughts.GPS location and NOTIFICATION on your phone when the locket is scannedDo you want to know exactly when the little one was found? Now it is possible.You can see in real time where, when and at what time the medallion was scanned, and you will be notified on all possible channels, starting from in-app notifications to emails and even SMS messages.BONUS - Interactive map so you can see scan locations in the app